The GIGAVAC Extended Performance Impervious Ceramic (EPIC®) sealing technology is a major breakthrough in low-cost, high quality sealing of contactors and relays. Prior to this technology contactors and relays used either all-ceramic envelopes which were expensive, or epoxy and plastic seals that did not provide the high temperature ratings or the micro-sealing needed to use high performance back fill gasses such as hydrogen.

Many industrial applications today such as solar, fuel cells, micro-turbines, hybrid and electric vehicles, and other high performance critical applications have migrated to HVDC systems requiring high voltage/high power switching.

When you buy any GIGAVAC GX Series, MX Series, or HX series EPIC® sealed contactor, you get superior proven technology, priced for industrial applications, equal to or less than the cost of open-air or low quality epoxy/plastic semi-sealed contactors. Ceramic sealed contactors work in almost any environment, even under water.


Sensata | Gigavac Epic Technology